
Syntax: @Str numeric [:width:decs], string

The Str command can convert the given numeric value to a string representation.

The numeric can be a numeric literal, numeric attribute, numeric variable or a numeric array.

The string parameter can be a string variable, string array, or list attribute.

The width parameter specifies the MINIMUM width of the returned string. If the numeric representation is not of sufficient size, it will be padded up with LEADING spaces. Note that the width parameter has no effect when storing a number in a LIST attribute.

The decs parameter specifies the number of decimal places in the returned string.


Given that the numeric variable NumVal = 3.5

@Str NumVal:1, TempStrTempStr = '3.5'

@Str NumVal:2, TempStrTempStr = '3.50'

@Str NumVal:6:2, TempStrTempStr = ' 3.50'